
Slot Punch

jaw opening and designed:3/32 inch
Punches a slot: 9/16 X 1/8 inch, starting 11/32 inch from the edge of the card
Slot Size (L x W): Approx 15 x 3 mm
Puncher Size (L x W): Approx 13.7 x 7 cm


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SKU: OS_18548BLC_LK Categories:


Slot Punch

jaw opening and designed:3/32 inch
Punches a slot: 9/16 X 1/8 inch, starting 11/32 inch from the edge of the card
Slot Size (L x W): Approx 15 x 3 mm
Puncher Size (L x W): Approx 13.7 x 7 cm
Material: Heavy Duty – Spring Design Adds Extra Strength for clean punches.
Used to: The visible Knife-edge allows for checking the position of the card before punching.

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